The word detox comes from the English word "detoxification", which means to detox.
A detox cure supports your body in breaking down and removing harmful substances. It brings your body back to an inner balance and helps to regain new energy. By means of detox cleans, purifies and strengthens the body.

With a detox cure you are consciously concerned with your body. You rid yourself of waste and start life fresh and energetic. The cure provides the body with sufficient natural vitamins, minerals and many micronutrients.
The newly acquired vitality and the many positive effects of such a cure on the body such as a fresh and radiant skin, more energy and motivation, the metabolism is stimulated and weight loss can lead to the development of joy in a healthier lifestyle in the future. After a detox cure you experience a much stronger body awareness than before.
Advantages of a detox treatment:
Detoxifies body
Deep cleansing
More energy
Beautiful and radiant skin
Mental rest
Healthy lifestyle
Strong immune system
To lose weight
A mental cleansing also takes place: Old and superfluous things can be let go, there is room for new perspectives and ideas!

What do you expect during the detox cure
Press the reset button and start a personal 10-day detox cure!
After a short anamnesis with nutritional and lifestyle advice, you start with a detox action plan. With the right preparation, your organism can get rid of unnecessary ballast and absorb all important nutrients from the juices. The better prepared you are, the easier the detox will be. During the first 4 days, your body will be prepared for the detox cure with a personal plan tailored to your needs.
During the detox cure, the cold-pressed fresh organic fruit and vegetable juices replace your solid food for 3 days. Those different juices are all unpasteurized and full of vitamins, enzymes and minerals. They provide your body with everything it needs. They are 100% fresh and pure.
The last 3 days you slowly start building your body with healthy food again. In order not to overload the body immediately after the detox cure, the diet should be changed slowly and get used to solid food again.
For this you will receive recipes for 3 days. These can easily be converted into everyday life.
The entire detox treatment is accompanied with dry brushing and basic bath salt.
Dry brushing means dry brushing your body before the shower. It is important because one third of all toxins in your body are excreted through your skin. By loosening and removing all dead skin cells you ensure good skin rejuvenation! This also improves the structure of your skin. Clogged pores open up again, allowing your skin to breathe better and dispose of waste products better. The dry brushing makes your skin smooth and radiantly beautiful. The basic bath salt supports the process and provides relaxation with its valuable minerals. Door het dry brushing wordt je huid glad en stralend mooi.
Het basisch badzout ondersteund het proces en zorgt met zijn waardevolle mineralen voor ontspanning.